It is more important than ever for your loved ones to see their doctor regularly as they age and begin to suffer from the consequences of aging and other chronic medical conditions. Frequent doctor visits will assist them in improving and maintaining their overall health and well-being.
Unfortunately, due to various problems, not all senior individuals can visit their doctor’s clinic independently. Some seniors find it difficult to go to the doctor by themselves due to a disability, while others find it exhausting due to their chronic medical conditions.
If your senior loved ones need assistance going to their doctor’s appointments, you have come to the right place. We are a high-quality provider of non-emergency medical transportation or NEMT in Massachusetts. We will be more than happy to transport your senior loved ones to and from their doctor’s clinic and other medical appointments, such as dialysis, physical therapy, hospital admissions and discharge, and more.
If your senior loved ones have difficulty with mobility, we can provide them with wheelchair transportation services to make things easier for them. With our help, your senior loved ones will be able to get to their desired destination quickly and safely while experiencing less stress and hassle.
Bethel Medical Transportation is a high-quality provider of medical transportation in Worcester, Massachusetts. Our goal is to help your loved ones, especially those who have difficulty walking, enjoy a much higher quality of living.
If you are interested in considering high-quality NEMT today, please do not hesitate to contact us at 774-559-7177.
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